August 6, 20222 min read

Tarzan and his mate

Description Maquette study for possible public work. Fully realized piece would be roughly 20 feet long by 16 feet tall. The animal climbing on the […]

August 6, 20221 min read

Bird and block

Description Maquette study for a possible monument. Fully realized, this work would stand roughly 18 feet tall.

August 6, 20221 min read

Study no.3 for climbing bear

Description A stylized bear climbs a polished block of redwood in this maquette study for a possible larger work.

August 6, 20222 min read

Little Bo Peepshow

Description A soft, neglected teddy bear, left abandoned on the floor, recreated in polished steel, created as a maquette study for a possible 9-foot-long version. […]

August 6, 20222 min read

Bear study no.6

Description One in a series of maquettes exploring the intersection of childhood nostalgia and current ecological crisis. A fully-realized piece would be at the scale […]

August 6, 20221 min read

Bear study no.3

Description A recreation of a soft, neglected teddy bear, left abandoned on the floor, recreated in polished aluminum. This sculpture was an attempt at capturing […]

August 6, 20221 min read

Bear study no.4

Description One in a series of maquettes exploring the intersection of childhood nostalgia and current ecological crisis. A fully-realized piece would be at the scale […]

August 6, 20221 min read

Bear study no.5

Description One in a series of maquettes exploring the intersection of childhood nostalgia and current ecological crisis. A fully-realized piece would be at the scale […]