by Invitation or by Fiat

Teasing at the accepted limits of urban art exhibition, a large stack of hay was erected at 7 arts, cultural, and commercial locations around the Bay Area. At each, I invited an artist to display or perform work, over which they had total autonomy. One even awarded themselves their first “solo show” on the doorsteps of the Oakland Museum of California. Artists variously treated the hay bale as gallery walls, a platform for performance, an object for deconstruction, a vehicle for addressing local arts institutions, and pig food. Some sites were officially sanctioned and others were installed by fiat.
Inaugural work produced under the collaborative moniker Strawman Collective (A.M. Fuller, Galen Jackson, Ross Warren). Featured artists: Madelyn Covey, Ecco Felix, lish dawn, Brian George, Ben Jarrett, Joshua Sorkin, and Ross Warren.
Performance (24 hours in duration)
72” x 72” x 102” (haybale dimensions)
Various locations in the San Francisco Bay Area
4th-5th February, 2018
View Press release and call to artists
View performance catalog for By Invitation or by Fiat