Untitled with chair (for Lee)
Untitled with chair: an installation of fir seeds and sunlight, made by Andrew Miguel Fuller while in residency at the Alchemy Art Center. Sculptural art work by AM "Andy" Fuller.


Untitled with chair (for Lee)

Alchemy Art Center (Friday Harbor, Washington)
Fir cone seeds, rocking chair, tinted glass, sunlight
Approx. 36” x 36” in 100 sq.ft. footprint


While in residence at the Alchemy Art Center in Friday Harbor, WA, I learned of a house whose residents firmly believed to be haunted by the ghost of a woman. During their many consultations and experiments in both exorcising and learning to live with their ghost, they were advised by a local spiritualist to “connect the ground beneath the house back to the sky above it.” On the first moment of dawn of the Summer solstice, I traced the first fall of light on the ground of the building with tens of thousands of seeds taken from the cones of the native fir trees from the area. The seeds remained in place until the last ray of light faded at dusk.

June 2018